


プレイヤーの中にはUSAID、Microsoft Airband、Bluetown。Bluetownはデンマークの企業で、アフリカやインドなど、世界の地方に無線LANを提供する活動を行っています。


SkyHive は、ガーナ東部の中等都市コフォリドゥアとキービで、18歳から35歳の女性で構成される2つのグループに参加しています。若い女性たちは、大学生や農業などで働く高校卒業生で、「成長思考」を持つこと、履歴書の書き方、オンラインでの仕事の探し方、面接の仕方、ソーシャルメディアマーケティングなど、自立とキャリアアップのための概念を学んでいます。(ガーナの学校にはキャリアサービスがあまりないので、このようなことはあまり教えられていません)。

As part of the initiative, SkyHive has been helping each individual build a Skill passport. This is a compilation of each person’s skills, one that matches the women with jobs – some locally and others remote – that match their skills. Part of the goal is to demonstrate to each participant that they have transferable skills they may not have even realized are valuable to an employer (more on skills-based organizations in this webinar).

The initiative fits SkyHive’s long-term mission to “enable 8 billion people in the world with a Skill Passport and address unemployment and underemployment to create economic security for all,” says Bennett Grassano, who spearheaded the program.

So far, about 100 people have completed the workforce development program. Satisfaction is high. In a survey of 98 participants in the Ghana project, people were asked to rate their experience with the Skill Passport, how easy it was to turn their resume into a skills profile, and whether they could find matching jobs, and in each category participants rated their experience more than six out of the maximum seven on average. Ninety-six percent of the women report being better prepared to take actions to improve their chances of getting a job as a result of the SkyHive passport, and more than three-quarters were able to identify a job opportunity to pursue.


また、10月に参加したハメダ・サディックさんは、"自分では考えてもみなかった自分を知ることができた "と語っています。


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