


How positive EX supports skills-based orgs

Traditional talent management processes are being turned on their heads as talent technology stacks become more complex and driven by AI, and HR and talent leaders seek to streamline their workflows and strengthen decision-making. It appears to be working, too: A recent study by Harvard Business Review found that companies that use AI in their hiring process are 46 percent more likely to make successful hires.

Despite the digital transformation of talent management, the demand for “employee experience and human-centric work design continues,” according to the findings of the recent Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for HR Technology 2023 report, which named SkyHive in three categories: AI-Enabled Skills Management, Labor Market Intelligence, and AI in Talent Acquisition. 



  • By 2025, 60 percent of enterprises will adopt responsible AI frameworks to achieve greater productivity and resilience throughout the organization. 
  • スキルは人材の新しい通貨である。「どの業界においても、労働力を管理するための基礎的な要素である。「不確実な時代や競争の激しい時代には、より優れたスキルデータを持つ組織は、より迅速に適応し、よりダイナミックに人材を獲得・配置することができる。
  • 人事リーダーは、人事やビジネスリーダーから俊敏性と柔軟性の向上が求められ続ける中、ますます複雑化するテクノロジーポートフォリオを管理しなければならない。
  • AIやジェネレーティブAIの宣伝が盛んになるにつれ、生産性をめぐる会話や、責任あるAIへの要求の高まりが続いている。 
  • As talent leaders add more technologies, they can’t forget the importance of a strong employee experience. “Multiple new applications (and vendors) must be budgeted, selected, implemented, and integrated alongside existing solutions.” 

What is employee experience?

Employee experience (EX) is the holistic journey that an employee takes during their time at an organization. It includes every interaction, perception, and feeling they have, starting from the recruitment process and continuing through their career development, training and development, daily work life, and eventual departure. 

For organizational leaders, understanding and optimizing EX is crucial as it directly impacts engagement, productivity, and retention. Positive EX can also help boost organizational reputation and make it easier to attract top talent. This is arguably more important today than it ever has been as talent managers struggle to fill skills gaps and retain employees.

デジタル化は、従業員 体験にどのような影響を与えるのか?

あらゆる業界で進む組織のデジタルトランスフォーメーションは、良くも悪くも従業員 。 

最も基本的なレベルでは、デジタル・ツールやAIによる自動化が、従業員 、定型的で時間のかかる仕事を減らすのに役立っている。これにより、彼らはより有意義で楽しい仕事に集中することができる。これにより、仕事の満足度と生産性が向上する。 

Digitalization and digital transformation are also leading to more learning, development, and training opportunities for employees. Digital learning platforms, for example, provide employees with access to a wide range of courses and training materials, allowing employees to acquire specific skills. Skills and skills intelligence, says KPMG, is the new currency for talent. In times of uncertainty organizations with better skills data can adapt more quickly and be more dynamic in acquiring and deploying talent.

At the same time, digital transformation can detract from employee experiences. The always-on nature of digital tools can lead to employees feeling pressured to be available 24/7, causing stress and burnout. We’ve all read stories about employees who can never switch off due to the overarching feeling that they always need to be available. This isn’t helped by excessive digital communication and notifications, which can overwhelm employees outside of working hours.

デジタル化はヒューマンファクターにも悪影響を及ぼしうる。デジタル・コミュニケーションへの依存度が高まると、対面での交流が減少し、孤立感や断絶を引き起こす可能性があることが示されている従業員 。その最も明白な理由は、デジタルツールがリモートワークやハイブリッドワークの機会を広くサポートするようになったことである。このような形態には多くの利点がある一方で、強固で結束力のある企業文化を維持することが難しくなる可能性もある。

Using artificial intelligence to improve EX

Analysis shows a clear link between strong talent management and better organizational performance. McKinsey found that 99 percent of surveyed companies with effective talent management outperformed their competitors.

This statistic highlights the strong connection between talent management and employee experience. When employees are happy and fulfilled, they stay longer, learn new skills, and help the company achieve its goals.

This has always been true, but digital transformation and AI have recently improved talent management. Now, talent teams can easily use AI to streamline processes and enhance employee experiences at every stage.

Here’s how you can use AI-powered talent management tools to improve your employees' experience.


Reskilling is crucial for ensuring employees have the skills needed to support an organization’s long-term goals. This is especially important as digital transformation changes the nature of work, requiring a broader range of skills.

The need for long-term reskilling is growing quickly. According to the World Economic Forum, 23 percent of global jobs will change in the next five years due to industry shifts, and 1.1 billion jobs could be transformed by technology in the next decade. In response, the WEF launched the “Reskilling Revolution” to equip one billion people with better skills and opportunities by 2030.

Reskilling and upskilling not only close skills gaps but also improve the employee experience. They empower employees with new knowledge, boost career growth, and increase job satisfaction. AI-powered skills intelligence supports these initiatives by enabling skills-based workforce planning. It also demonstrates the organization’s commitment to employee skill development and making them feel valued.


AI-powered talent management tools facilitate workforce agility by providing real-time insights into workforce capabilities, performance, and availability. This allows organizations to quickly respond to shifting market demands and job architectures, reallocate resources, and redeploy talent as needed.

さらに、AIがサポートするアジャイル・ワークフォースの実践は、柔軟性と革新の文化を奨励する。従業員 、新たな課題に挑戦し、スキルセットを拡大するチャンスを与えられた社員は、力を与えられ、組織にコミットしていると感じる可能性が高くなり、その結果、自分の仕事に対する所有感と誇りが促進される。これは当然、仕事の満足度や定着率の向上につながる。


Creating a culture of continuous learning is vital for enhancing the employee experience and becoming a skills-based organization. AI-powered talent management tools play a key role in this transformation. For example, AI can assess employees' current skills and competencies, identify skills gaps, and recommend personalized learning paths based on individual career goals and organizational needs. This ensures that employees continuously develop new skills while aligning their growth with the company's strategic objectives.

AI-driven learning platforms offer on-demand access to various educational resources, including online courses, webinars, virtual simulations, and interactive training modules. By providing flexible and personalized learning opportunities, employees can pursue professional development at their own pace and convenience, leading to greater satisfaction and motivation.


Developing a comprehensive skills inventory is essential for enhancing the employee experience and driving engagement. it also lends itself to strategic workforce planning. How?

AI-powered talent management tools can efficiently catalog the skills and competencies of the entire workforce, providing a detailed and up-to-date skills and talent inventory. This helps talent teams identify available skills, pinpoint gaps, and make informed decisions about development and deployment.

Understanding employees’ skills allows organizations to match the right people with the right roles, projects, and teams. This ensures that employees are used effectively and feel their talents are recognized. This alignment improves productivity and performance while significantly enhancing employee engagement. Employees are more likely to feel valued and motivated when their skills are utilized.


To maximize the benefits of AI-powered talent management tools while minimizing disruption, organizations should implement new technologies gradually. Starting with pilot programs or phased rollouts allows human resources teams to assess the impact, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments before a full-scale implementation. 

段階的な導入により、従業員 、新しいシステムやプロセスに適応する時間が確保され、抵抗や不安が軽減される。初期導入の成功が証明されれば、組織はAIツールの使用をタレント・マネジメントの他の分野にも拡大し、思慮深く慎重な技術統合を通じて、従業員 の体験を継続的に向上させることができる。

Book a demo and discover how AI-powered skills intelligence can help you improve employee experience and safeguard your organization against modern challenges such as skills gaps and hiring struggles.





