Skills intelligence for reskilling and skills-based hiring
デジタルトランスフォーメーションが働き方の概念を破壊し変化させ続ける中、スキルの概念は人材リーダーにとっても、従業員 にとっても焦点となっている。産業界が技術の進歩や市場の需要の変化に適応するにつれて、伝統的な職務の役割や資格は再定義されつつある。
This shifting landscape requires leaders to have a deeper understanding of the roles that skills play within organizations, and how they can be applied across all roles. This is required in real-time.
Skills are specific abilities or proficiencies that individuals develop through practice and experience. They are often task-oriented and measurable, focusing on the capability to perform particular activities effectively. Skills can be categorized into various types:
- テクニカル・スキル:特定の職務や分野に関連する特定の業務を遂行するために必要な専門的能力である。例えば、コーディング、データ分析、グラフィック・デザイン、機械操作などがある。テクニカル・スキルは多くの場合、正式な教育、研修プログラム、実地経験を通じて習得される。
- Human Skills: These are interpersonal and intrapersonal abilities that affect how individuals interact with others and manage their work. Examples include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management. Sometimes called “soft skills,” these are typically developed through life experiences and are crucial for effective collaboration and leadership.
- Functional Skills: These are versatile skills that can be applied across different jobs and industries. Examples include project management and scheduling . Functional skills are valuable because they enable technical skills to be applied to business problems. In addition, functional skills allow individuals to move between roles and sectors more easily.
A competency is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. They are often conflated with skills, but skills are just one of many components that make up competencies.
- 知識: 業務を遂行するために必要な理論的理解や情報。例えば、マーケティングの専門家には、市場調査手法、消費者行動理論、デジタルマーケティング戦略などの知識が必要。
- 行動:職務遂行に貢献する、観察可能な行動や振る舞い。効果的な行動には、チームワーク、リーダーシップ、適応力、コミュニケーションなどが含まれる。例えば、リーダーは意思決定、チームメンバーの動機づけ、対立の管理などの行動を示す必要がある。
- 態度:個人の仕事に対する考え方や取り組み方。レジリエンス、フィードバックに対する寛容さ、積極的なアプローチなどの積極的な態度は、仕事のパフォーマンスや職場のダイナミクスに大きな影響を与える可能性がある。
This distinction is important for hiring and professional development. By understanding the specific competencies needed for a role, organizations can better match candidates to job requirements, resulting in improved performance and job satisfaction.
Job roles were traditionally defined by rigid qualifications and specific career paths. This approach often limited the candidate pool and overlooked the diverse range of skills that individuals could bring to a role.
However, this narrow view is changing, and industries are beginning to recognize that effective performance isn’t tied solely to previous job titles and career paths but rather, to the underlying skills and competencies that individuals possess.
For much of its history, Major League Baseball (MLB) had a narrow mindset, believing that only former MLB players could succeed in talent development roles, limiting the pool of scouts and coaches to men. However, as the industry realized the importance of skills like data analytics, kinesiology, and strategy, it became clear that these abilities aren’t exclusive to men or former players.
The industry found that women entering these roles brought a variety of experiences and skills that enriched the talent development process. This not only boosted diversity but also broadened the scope of talent acquisition, emphasizing skills over traditional experience. It’s a powerful example of how evaluating the criteria for roles can lead to a more inclusive and effective workforce. And it’s just the beginning.
As companies adopt new technologies, the need for new skills will rise. This makes it essential for both employees and employers to stay competitive. Digital transformation isn't just about using new tools—it's about rethinking workflows, improving efficiency, and encouraging innovation.
Leaders must prepare a workforce that can adapt to emerging technologies. This shift also creates opportunities for upskilling and reskilling, helping workers stay relevant as artificial intelligence (AI) enhances their roles.
McKinsey reports that by 2030, one in sixteen workers—over 100 million people—may need to change jobs. Even those who stay in their roles will be affected, with 40 percent needing to reskill in the next three years due to AI. These numbers will only grow in the long term.
Here’s why all this matters: At SkyHive, we value concepts like skills, competencies, digital transformation, and reskilling. We provide skills intelligence by processing over 24 terabytes of raw data daily, allowing us to analyze how skills, skill demands, and job architectures change in real time. This helps us break down skills into their smallest parts, called quantum parts.
These quantum parts combine to form the context of work. We can determine if a job requires specific skills, experience, or knowledge. With our AI-powered technology, we offer organizations leading skills intelligence to find, promote, develop, mentor, train, and nurture employees—moving beyond just whether someone has done the job before. For organizations that want to become skills-based organizations or conduct skills-based workforce planning, this intelligence is a must-have.
Returning to our baseball analogy, for example, our technology wouldn’t limit the search for a baseball scout to former players. Instead, it focuses on the skills, knowledge, and experience needed for scouting.
At a conference, we met a police officer who was a former journalist. His transferable skills, like listening, asking questions, and finding information, made his career change logical. We’ve also seen former teachers become paralegals because their skills in lesson planning, grading, research, and comprehension translate well.
Skills vs roles and the shift to skills-based hiring
Hiring practices have traditionally focused on specific roles, emphasizing job titles, past experiences, and formal qualifications. This approach often overlooks the underlying skills candidates possess and limits the candidate pool to those with similar backgrounds.
However, the modern workforce is shifting toward skills-based hiring, which prioritizes abilities and competencies over past job titles and experience alone. Skills-based hiring involves identifying the key skills needed for a job and looking for candidates who show proficiency in those areas. This has several advantages:
- 人材の多様化: スキルを重視することで、リーダーは、必要なスキルを持ちながらも従来の資格に欠ける非伝統的な経歴を持つ人材など、より幅広く多様な候補者を活用することができる。
- Better job fits: Skills-based hiring ensures that candidates are selected based on their ability to perform the tasks required by the job. This naturally leads to a better match between the employee and the role.
- 革新性の向上: 幅広いスキルを持つ多様な従業員によって、さまざまな視点やアイデアがもたらされる。これにより、組織全体に革新性と創造性が育まれる。
- Adaptability: Employees hired based on their skills are often more agile and capable of taking on multiple roles. This makes the wider organization more flexible and resilient in the face of change (such as digital transformation.)
リスキリング 将来のためのスキルアップ
The rapid pace of technological advancement, digital transformation, and evolving industry requirements necessitates a commitment to reskilling, upskilling, and continuous learning and development throughout organizations. Reskilling and upskilling strategies help to ensure that the workforce remains capable of overcoming future challenges.
- リスキリング:スキルのギャップを埋め、従業員 、組織の長期的な目標に貢献するための適切なスキルを身につけさせるための不可欠な戦略。従業員 、さまざまな役割に必要とされる新たなスキルを習得するためのトレーニングを行う。リスキリング 、職務機能が陳腐化した場合には不可欠である。
- スキルアップ: これは、従業員、現在の職務におけるパフォーマンスを向上させるために、既存のスキルを強化することに重点を置く。アップスキリングは、技術、プロセス、ベストプラクティスの進歩に対応するために重要である。
リスキリング 効果的なスキルアップのための5つの戦略
リスキリング とスキルアップ従業員 に万能のアプローチはないが、タレント・リーダーは以下の戦略が、リスキリング の取り組みを成功させるための基礎となることに気づくだろう。
- Identify skills gaps: Conduct a thorough analysis of current skills within your organization and use them to build a skills inventory or talent inventory. Compare this inventory to the skills you need to achieve long-term goals to identify areas where reskilling or upskilling is necessary.
- テクノロジーを導入する: オンライン学習プラットフォーム、バーチャルトレーニングセッション、デジタルリソースを活用し、従業員 、質の高い柔軟な学習機会を提供する。また、テクノロジーを活用することで、個々のニーズに合わせた個別学習体験を促進することもできる。
- 学習文化を奨励する: 継続的な学習と専門能力開発に価値を置く組織文化を育成する。従業員 、ラーニング・ジャーニーを主体的に行うよう奨励し、研修プログラムへの参加にインセンティブを与える。
- 教育機関との連携: 専門学校、大学、その他の教育機関と提携し、業界のニーズに沿った専門的な研修プログラムや資格を提供する。
- ピアラーニングの確立: 経験豊富な従業員 が同僚と知識やスキルを共有できるメンターシップ・プログラムを確立する。協力的な学習環境を作るために、ピアツーピアの学習を奨励する。
デジタルの時代が私たちに示していることがあるとすれば、それは、仕事の基本的な概念と働くことの意味が、ますます高度化するテクノロジーによって再発明されつつあるということだ。このことは、スキルの見方や活用の仕方に大きな影響を及ぼしており、組織には、変化する要件に適応し、リスキリング を通じて労働力の俊敏性を促すことが求められている。
実際、雇用主は従業員 に新しいスキルを教えることに専念することで、継続的な学習と実験のマインドセットを育成することができ、革新的なソリューションと市場における競争上の優位性につなげることができる。